Some of Fran's Workshop Offerings:
- Getting Started
- Parents as Storytellers
- Audience Participation Storytelling
- Storytelling with Music
- Stories to Play With
- The Storylistening Trance
- Science: Tell it Like A Story
- Aware, Care, Dare: Storytelling in Environmental Education
- Stories and Games for Bi-lingual and Foreign Language Education
- Honesty, Respect, Compassion: Character Education through Stories
Contact Fran for more information about these workshops, or to request a custom-designed workshop for your site.
For Educators
- Storytelling in Environmental Education
- Teacher as Storyteller: Getting Started
- Teaching Students to Tell: "Village Storytelling"
- Honesty, Respect, Compassion: Character Education through Stories
- Stories to Play With
- Literacy through Orality: Storytelling Motivates Reading
- Science in the Shape of Story
- Stories and Games for Bilingual and Foreign Language Education
- Brightwater festival (November 2024) Stealth Eco-telling Resources
- Sharing the Fire 2022 handout Storying Your Classroom
- Cross-curriculum applications using Blooms Taxonomy
- Student storytellers: "Village" storytelling
Storytelling for a Green Earth
(81.61 KB)
Joining In
(100.01 KB)
Keynote: Aware->Care->Dare
(72.25 KB)
Stealth Eco-telling Resources
(84.75 KB)