Hook Them With Story

"When we’re teaching about the natural science that we love, I think we often deluge our students with answers to questions that they have not asked. Why should they care? Why do they need to know all this stuff that they’ve maybe never thought about before?

"I find that a good way to get them thinking is to tell a lively story from folk tradition. The story won’t offer a scientific explanation, but it does have amazing power to make students listen, pay attention, remember, and wonder. Once we have caught their interest and invited them to wonder “How does that work?" we can start talking science.

"A story is a “hook” on which we can hang a lesson. And I recommend traditional folktales (398.2 in your library) because they fall naturally on listeners’ ears and are easy for us to learn. Our ancestors long ago dropped out the uninteresting or difficult parts! My "EarthTeller Tales" column offers stories that I hope you can use." --  Fran Stallings

Fran's EarthTeller Tales columns use a folktale to introduce an ecological lesson. They first appeared in The Environmentor a free e-newsletter for environmental educators, published by Oklahoma City University. Editor Beth Landon always finds wonderful graphics to illustrate Fran's columns! Here is the plain text. To see Beth's illustrated version, click the link in each article and scroll to the indicated pages. Enjoy the rest of each newsletter too. Excellent material!

Title Folk Tale Title Sort ascending Fact Tale Title
Resource Depletion Why the Sky is Far Away The Party's Over
Evergreens Why Some Plants Became Evergreen How a native evergreen became a menace
Moths and Light Why Moths Rule the Night Dangers of Night Lighting
Sunflowers Why do sunflowers follow the sun? Heliotropism
Working Cats Why Cats Hunt Mice Putting Feral Cats to Work
Winter Sleep Why Bear Sleeps All Winter Torpor vs Hibernation
Story from the EarthTeller, December 2003 What else can I eat? The Good, the Bad, and the Grizzlies
What's Useless? Useless Gift Milkweeds and Monarchs
Playing Dead: Foxes and Winter Trees Tricky Fox Plays Dead Dormant Trees
Goats as Brush Hogs Three Silly Goats Gruff Goats for Brush Control
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At the Time The Wonderful Water Plant Kudzu -- the plant that covered the South
Making the best of a hard situation The Turnip Sundews
Some Tails Come Off! The Tale of the Lizards' Tales Caudal Autonomy & Regeneration
Soup of the Soup The Soup of the Soup Nutrient Dilution
Repentant Ferret The Repentant Ferret Prairie Dogs, Ferrets, and... M&Ms?
Small Changes, Big Results The Pudding that Stopped the Preaching Nail Broth/Stone Soup
Vampire Plants The Headley Kow Dodder
Golden Eggs The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs Pasture Erosion
Caterpillars The Giant Caterpillar entomologist Maria Sibylla Merian
The Frogs' Advice The Frogs' Advice swamps, amphibians, Chytrid
One House, or Two? The Disappearance of the Giants Rotting Fruit and Pollen Allergies
Daffodils The Dance of Yellow Star Daffodils
The Camel and the Green Menace The Camel's Nose The Green Menace
Dandelions Shawondasee and the Golden Girl Dandelion Facts
Cicada's Love Song Señor Coyote and Señor Chichara Cicadas
Plastic Pollution Rustle and Shelley There is no "away"
Acorns, Pumpkins, Osage orange Pumpkins Don't Grow on Trees Osage Orange
Eew, Gross -- but Amazing Protect our Troops: Save the Beetles Antibiotic Beetle Juice
From the Ashes Phoenixes Prairie fires
Tornado Eggs Pecos Bill and the Tornado Eggs Great Salt Plains Selenite Crystals
Mistletoe Oklahoma's Floral Emblem Hemi-Parasite
Buzzards and Gas Leaks Monkey and Buzzard Turkey vultures and gas leaks
Solar eclipses Mink and Sun Solar eclipses
Love the Weeds Love the Weeds Weeds to the Rescue!
Spotless Lotus Lotus and Waterlily Non-stick Biomimicry
Where butterflies come from Lonely Flowers Host and Nectar Plants
King Solomon and the Bee King Solomon and the Bee Pollinators
King Midas and the Chickens King Midas Too Much Manure
Prickly Pear Huitzilopochtli and Tenochtitlán Nopal
Why spiders are bald How Spiders Got Bald Tarantulas
Cottontail Rabbits and Cottonwood Trees How Rabbits got their Short Tails Facts about Cottonwoods
Survival by the Numbers How Many Offspring? Survival by the numbers
How Hot Was It? How hot is it? Climate Change comes to our Backyards
Little things help How can such a little thing help me? Don't Underestimate Them
How the Birds Got Their Colors How birds got their colorful feathers Winter birdwatching
Birds and Beavers How Beaver Stole Fire The Birds and the Beavers
Wind Glooscap and the Wind Eagle Solutions and Other Problems
Geckos and Mosquitos Geckos and Mosquitos Standing Water and Disease
Drought Frog and Rain Water is Life
Migration Flying Turtle Why Animals Migrate
Frogs Everything is Connected Frogs, Locusts, and Ducks
Day and Night Day and Night Earth's Axial Tilt
False Signals Crying Wolf Of Wolves and Dormant Fruit Trees
Cricket, Earthworm, and Snake Cricket, Earthworm, and Snake Crickets and Hearing Aids
Coyote and the Powerful Berries Coyote and the Powerful Berries How Plants Spread Seed
Alligators -- in Oklahoma??? Counting Alligators Alligators in Oklahoma?
Fighting fire - and Fear Brave Little Parrot Look for the Helpers
Bison bison Bison's Race with Mustang Return of US National Mammal
Beautiful Opossum Beautiful Opossum Opossums
Be Careful What You Wish For Be Careful What You Wish For Callery pear trees
Bats, Taxes, and Bananas Bats and Taxes White-Nose Syndrome
Ananda Recycles Ananda's gift Recycling
Fireflies A Silly Folktale Bioluminescence
Nest Building A Lesson in Nest Building Nesting Habits
Honey and Honeysuckle A Drop of Honey Honeysuckle, Deer, and Disease
What About Nativars? - Cultivars of native plants